A single lump in the mouth that bothers us when speaking, eating and drinking is enough to make us worry. We tend to be anxious and imagine the worst case possible. We also browse the internet instead of going straight to professionals. What’s worse is that we find answers that tell us we have severe disease. Without proper knowledge, wrong measures may be taken and may result in further complications. That’s why Filipino orthodontists highly suggest people to go to premium dental clinics in Manila the moment they notice some issues or irregularities in their oral cavity. (Read: 3 Easy Steps to Follow to Get a Healthy Mouth ) Talk about these oral cavity issues, one of the most common is mucocele. Mucocele is characterized as a translucent (sometimes bluish) blister-like lesion that appears in the wetter skin of the lip, floor or roof of the mouth and surface of the tongue. It’s a benign soft tissue tumor present in the oral cavity and said to be a harmless cyst. However, if it cont...